Rules of the competition

Rules for the multi-brand competition Soi Paris x x Wopilo x Angarde x Qwetch x Cabaïa

Article 1: Organizers

As part of a marketing operation, the multi-brand competition Soi Paris x x Wopilo x Angarde x Qwetch x Cabaïa is organized jointly by the above-mentioned brands:

- Cabaïa's head office is located at 7 cité Paradis, 75010 Paris, France.

- Soi ParisThe head office is located at 14 rue Notre Dame des Victoires, 75002 Paris, France.

- Wopilo's head office is located at 76 avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris.

- Angarde's head office is located at 69 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris.

-, head office is located at 60 rue Amelot, 75011 Paris

- Qwetch's head office is located at 505 Av. Galilée, 13290 Aix-en-Provence, France.


Article 2: Competition dates

The contest runs from January 03, 2024 to January 10, 2024 at midnight, Paris local time on the websites and The draw and designation of the winners will take place on January 11, 2024.


Article 3: Conditions of participation

The competition is open to all individuals aged 18 or over at the start of the competition period and residing in mainland France, subject to acceptance of the conditions of participation in accordance with the French Data Protection Act. Employees of the organizer and their families are not authorized to participate.


Article 4: Terms of participation

To take part in the competition and try to win one of the 3 prizes up for grabs in article 5, all participants must :

- Enter the competition directly on the website or via the registration form; or via a registration form on our social networks

- Accept the conditions of participation in the game (these rules)

- Agree to receive email communications from all participating brands, namely Cabaïa, Soi Paris, Wopilo,, Angarde and Qwetch.

Participation in the competition and entry in the prize draw will only be effective once these stages have been completed and if, and only if, the information required on the forms is complete and correct.

All entries made using incorrect or falsified information or via counterfeit or falsified forms will automatically forfeit any right to obtain any winning prize. Each participant therefore undertakes to provide correct information. The organizers decline all responsibility in the event that a participant uses false first and/or last names associated with a valid e-mail address or a false e-mail address.

Only one entry per person is permitted during the entire Contest Period. In the event of multiple entries from the same participant, only the first entry will be taken into account.


The game organizers reserve the right to cancel, terminate or modify this operation if it does not proceed as agreed: any virus, bug, violation, unauthorized intervention, fraud, action of a competitor, technical problem or other cause beyond the control of the organizers altering and affecting the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or conduct.

In general, the Participants guarantee the Organizers of the present contest against all recourse, actions or claims that could be made, in any capacity whatsoever, by any third party, in respect of all guarantees and commitments made.


Any incomplete or erroneous entries will be rejected, without the Organizers being held responsible.


All participants agree to respect the rules. Any failure to comply with the rules by the Participant and any fraud, abuse, cheating, misrepresentation will result in his/her exclusion from the contest without the Organizers being held responsible.


Thus, the Organizing companies reserve the right without reserve to moderate a posteriori and not to validate, to exclude, to remove from the contest, any participant who would not respect one of the conditions of the present rules.


Furthermore, in the event of abuse or cheating by one or more participants, the organizers reserve the right to modify or terminate the contest without prior notice, in particular if the integrity of the contest is called into question.


Article 5: Prizes

3 winners will be drawn at random and will each receive a prize worth €508. Each prize contains :

- 1 gift voucher from Cabaïa worth €89 to be used at or in participating Cabaïa boutiques (see list) up to and including 12/31/2024;

- 1 voucher worth €80 offered by Soi Paris to use at up to and including 12/31/2024;

- 1 voucher from worth €80 to use at up to and including 12/31/2024;

- 1 Angarde gift voucher worth €80 to use at or in store at 80 rue d'Aboukir 75002 Paris, until 31/12/2024 inclusive;

- 1 voucher for a Wopilo Plus pillow from Wopilo worth €99 to use at up to and including 12/31/2024;

- 1 Qwetch gift voucher worth €80 to use at up to and including 12/31/2024


The prizes for each lot will be communicated by email to the winners and can be used via promotional codes. The latter cannot be combined with each other, are valid only once per person and cannot be combined with any other current promotion.

Article 6 - Terms and conditions for awarding prizes


Winners will be drawn at random on January 11, 2024. Winners will be informed of their win via the email used to register for the competition, and will be given a promotional code enabling them to activate their win on each of the brands organizing the competition.

All email exchanges between the organizers and the winners will be stored in the organizers' email box.

If the information communicated by the participant is incomplete and/or does not enable him/her to be informed of his/her win, he/she will lose the status of winner and will not be able to make any claim. The organizers cannot be held responsible in the event of technical malfunctions relating to this electronic notification of winnings. If the winner does not provide this information within 15 days, he/she will lose his/her status as winner.


Article 7: Delivery of prizes

Winners will be notified by email of the promotional codes for each prize. These vouchers cannot be combined with each other, are valid only once per person, and cannot be combined with any other promotion running on each site or store of an organizer. Vouchers and codes are valid up to and including 31/12/2024.


Article 8: Personal data

The Organizers:

- reserve the right to modify, extend, shorten, limit prizes or cancel this game in the event of force majeure as defined by case law. Consequently, they shall not be held liable in this respect.

- shall not be held responsible for any fraudulent use of a Participant's connection rights or attribution of a prize.

- shall not be held liable for any malfunction of the Internet network, telephone lines or reception equipment that may prevent the game from running smoothly. In addition, they cannot be held responsible for problems with the delivery or loss of electronic mail.

- Disclaim all liability in the event of technical failure, anomaly, hardware or software of any kind (virus, bug, etc.) caused on the Participant's system, their computer equipment and the data stored on it, and the consequences this may have on their personal, professional or commercial activity.


Participants are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to the Organizers.


Article 9: Liability

The Organizer cannot be held responsible for technical malfunctions, computer bugs, delays or loss of entries.


Article 10 - Conditions of exclusion

Participation in the game implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in these rules without any reservation or precondition on the part of the Participant, failure to comply with the said rules, resulting in exclusion from the contest, the pure and simple nullity of his participation and the awarding of prizes.


Article 11 - Filing of the rules

All documents are made available and accessible in French to any user and Participant during the game. They are asked to make a backup copy and/or print all the texts in order to be able to refer to them, if necessary.


Article 12 - Participation fees

The organized game is free and without obligation of purchase.


Article 13 - Jurisdiction

The present rules are subject to French law.

In the event of any dispute or claim concerning the contest for any reason whatsoever, requests must be sent in writing to the attention of each organizing company by mail to the address mentioned in the preamble, during the duration of the contest and no later than sixty (60) days after the Winners are named.

In the event of a dispute or claim concerning the prize awarded, requests must be sent within 7 days of receipt of the prize confirmation to the attention of :

- Cabaïa customer service by email at [email protected].

- Customer service Soi Paris by email at [email protected].

- Angarde customer service by email at [email protected].

- Qwetch customer service by email at [email protected].

- Wopilo customer service by email at [email protected].

- customer service by email at [email protected].

The parties shall endeavor to resolve amicably any dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of these rules. If the disagreement persists, it will be submitted to the competent courts.

The Participant acknowledges having read the present rules, accepting them without reservation and complying with them.